Summer Sun


Love those boys

::shakes head::

What can you do with these kids? ::looks at picture again:: ::laughs:: What can I say? Lt to rt: Micah (he's gonna shoot me for putting his pic on the net... you think I'm joking?), Gavin ("come on, Twitty"), Petru (he rocks my socks off), and Luke (look at that foxy babe ::dissolves into laughter:: now I'm gonna be shot twice). If there were any more inside jokes in this caption, we'd never see the sun. Ok, bad joke, couldn't think of a better analogy. Mmmm, I miss those boys.

My girls...

Gaggle of girls

These girls rocked! I had so much fun with them. The four up top (lt to rt: Crys, Becky, Spedecca, and Heather) were the horsemanship counselors. Some of them came into the summer not knowing much about horses, but they were so willing to learn and really had a heart to help the girls. The three on the bottom (me, Carolina, Emily) were wranglers. Carolina and I wrangled all summer, and Emily was there for the second half. We got so close. I miss these chicks so much. You know one of the best (and potentially worst, I suppose) parts of getting close to people? They change you. I will never be the same after having spent time with these kids. Any person that comes across your path will change you. Some more significantly than others, but all leave an impression.


Hey ya'll, this blog is gonna be one of my nostalgia centers. I'll be putting in pics from working at the ranch last summer and this summer (plus retreats more than likely). I miss these guys so much, so it's more for my own benefit than for anyone else. Love ya!
Genesis 31:49
"...May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other."